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Welcome to Chase Oaks

At Chase Oaks, we’re just a bunch of real people with messy lives and different stories who are loved by God. Whatever your background or story, whether you believe or aren’t sure, join us as we come together to change our world for good.

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Our Weekend Services

We are one church with multiple campuses. Join us at one of our locations!

Times & Locations

Reimagine Campaign

In a time of massive transition, we believe God is calling us to bold, new efforts to reach a changing culture with the radical love of Jesus. Join us as we launch Reimagine, a project that will help us activate our spaces, amplify local good, and anchor the faith of the next generation.

More Information

Build Daily Spiritual Habits

Turn your phone into a spiritual fitness tool by downloading the new Chase Oaks Church mobile app!

It’s a perfect way to grow in faith, hope, and love with others as we share prayer requests, read Scripture in community, and access other helpful resources, sermons, and articles together.

Weekly Emails from Jeff

Don't miss a thing while receiving inspiring content, helpful tools, and ways to engage at Chase Oaks straight to your inbox. Subscribe below (Jeff promises not to spam you)!

Top 3 Things to Know

Learn What’s Happening at Chase Oaks

Find A Group

We all want to connect with others who encourage and empower us to be our best selves. Groups allow us to do that as we enjoy life and grow together. Visit a group today, and take a step toward experiencing the community you’ve been looking for. Use the group locator to find a group that fits you!


What could change if you understood how God uniquely gifted you? Repurposed is a six-session training experience designed to help you discover and live out your unique, God-given purpose. During the six sessions, you’ll learn from insightful teaching, utilize helpful tools and take personal assessments, and hone in on what you’re really burdened for—all alongside others who share your passion for making an impact.

Are you New (or new-ish) to Chase Oaks?

Are you new (or new-ish) to Chase Oaks? You’re invited to Welcome Party, a great opportunity to connect. Come learn more about us, including what we offer individuals and families, what we’re up to in the community, and how to get connected.