Celebrate Easter at Chase Oaks! Find a Service

Real people with messy lives who are loved by God.

Chase Oaks Church is made up of all kinds of people at different points in our faith journeys who have come together for good. We want to be known for the radical love of Jesus. We don’t always get it right, but we know God loves to use imperfect people (and that’s all of us). Join us as we find and share his hope together, one step at a time.

About Our DNA

Meet Jeff Jones

Lead Pastor of Chase Oaks Church since 2004.

Jeff has served as the Lead Pastor of Chase Oaks Church since 2004. He loves Chick-fil-A, Alabama football, and, most importantly, making it easy for any person to experience the profound love of Jesus. He is the author of "Rebranding Christianity" and host of “The Rebranding Christianity Podcast,” which seeks to find a more authentic and loving expression of the Christian faith. Jeff is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary.

About Rebranding Christianity


Chase Oaks DNA

Why we do what we do and what makes us "us."

We respond to the issues of our day through the lens of Jesus, who always engaged others with empathy, grace, and truth. As we follow Jesus’ lead, we pray for discernment and wisdom to lead and love people well.

Our unity is beautiful when it reflects the diversity of our world. We are committed to the hard work of bringing different people together for good and demonstrating God’s love in unexpected ways.

We are better together because healthy and helpful friends make a world of difference. We focus on gathering in groups, serving in teams, and partnering with others who are doing great work in our community.

We are never more like Jesus than when we give up our preferences for the sake of others. We design every part of Chase Oaks to be not only relevant to us, but also compelling and engaging to those who have yet to come.

In a divided and complex world, we are known by what we are for, not by what we are against. We love in unexpected ways with surprising generosity as we seek to meet brokenness, need, and injustice with the hope of Jesus.

As real people with messy lives, we are mindful of our own shortcomings. We are all on a journey of transformation. We celebrate momentum over destination, inspire through grace rather than shame, and all take steps to mature in faith, hope, and love.

We focus on our common mission and core biblical beliefs. We refuse to allow secondary issues to divide our church.

We are optimistic about the future. We encourage and empower emerging leaders from the next generation who will shape the church for years to come.

Though our biblical “functions” stay the same, we change our church “forms” to reach a shifting culture. We look for opportunities to modify whatever we do so that we can be as effective as possible with the mission we’ve been given.

Still Curious?

Learn more about us, below:

Our Beliefs

Check out our statement of faith.

Our Story

Find out more about Chase Oaks' rich history and background.

Our Staff

Discover more about our amazing staff who make it happen.

Jeff's Podcast

Listen as Jeff explores what a more loving and authentic expression of the Christian faith looks like.

Rebranding Christianity

Becoming more of who Jesus calls us to be.

Jesus calls his followers to be a movement of radical love. That’s his brand—what he wants us to be known for. Unfortunately, radical love isn’t what comes to mind when people think of Christians or the church. A course correction is needed. Join the conversation about how to recapture the radical love of Jesus so that we can once again be an irresistible force for good.