10 Questions You Might Be Asking About Joining a Group

Posted by Ray Miranda, Woodbridge Campus Pastor, on Aug 08, 2024

10 Questions You Might Be Asking About Joining a Group

“There’s no way I’ll join a small group.”

I actually said this in my head, not out loud. But yes, those were my exact words. I had just recently become a Christ follower and was new to, well, everything. Giving, volunteering, showing up more than occasionally, inviting others—all of it was brand stinkin’ new.

I was more than reluctant to do all of it, but none more than being part of a small group. I had plenty of reasons for not wanting to be part of a group. Many of them were related to objections, fears, and misconceptions that I once had. They are still etched in my memory and I’m sure you can relate to more than a few of them.

If you’ve never been part of a group, take a look at the 10 most common questions you might be asking about joining a group, below. I hope they’ll be a step toward helping you experience why small groups are BIG with the people of Chase Oaks.

1. What if I already have friends?
Awesome—we’re sure they’re great! What many people don’t have are friends
who partner with them in growing spiritually and becoming the people they were created to be, together. Small groups are a great place to find those kinds of friends.

2. What if I don't have time?
Our groups are filled with people who once believed they didn’t have enough time for small group. Life has enough things that try to tear us down; we believe you’ll find it more than worth it to invest time in a group that helps build you up.

3. Will I be put on the spot?
Worried about hard Bible questions or having to pray out loud? Our groups have conversations on spiritual topics that are done in a very relatable way so that everyone can participate. Each person is free to come along at their own pace… no pressure, and no previous knowledge/experience needed.

4. What if people in groups are different than me?
It’s easy for all of us to assume that groups are for people we don’t relate to. The reality is,
few things connect people together like a desire to grow spiritually. You’ll be surprised at how much you have in common with others!

5. Will I have to share my secrets?
Nope. Sure, discussing things we’ve dealt with in life is part of what we talk about at small group. But you’re free to share only what you are comfortable with. And what happens in small group stays in small group.

6. Are groups boring?
Actually, you’re more likely experience the following instead of boredom: laughing out loud, amazing stories, rich discussion, encouragement, and personal growth.

7. Will I meet my best friends in a group?
While this can occur, it’s not the purpose of a group. In groups, you’ll experience the benefits of spiritual friendships and how to be the type of friend you’d want to have.

8. Is this a social group or a Bible study?
It’s better than either one! There are social parts, Bible study parts, and a whole lot more. If you
invest time in a group, you’ll see why we want every person to be part of
a group.

9. Will it be awkward?
Groups have leaders who help create a safe, inviting, and engaging environment. More often than not, people look back at joining a group and say, “I’m so glad I did.” If you happen to not click with one group, we encourage you to try another one.

10. What if I have young kids?
This can be tough at times. Many families find their own childcare or figure out childcare together with their groups. As a church, we offer groups that meet on Sundays with on-campus childcare available for a low cost.

My friend, you’re invited to give a small group a “test drive” this semester. You never know, it might just be the beginning of a great story!

Have more questions or need more info about groups? Check out our Groups page.

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