12 Reflection Questions To Help You Wrap Up the Year

Posted by Yenipher Chung, Creative Media Director, on Dec 22, 2023

12 Reflection Questions To Help You Wrap Up the Year

For most of us, the last month of 2023 has been a whirlwind.

We haven’t had time to think about the past year, because we’ve been navigating the chaos of the Christmas season with all the planning, shopping, and decorating. The last-minute trips to the store to stand in long lines or resort to rush shipping online. Traveling to see loved ones or wishing we could travel. It’s all stressful… and that doesn’t even include other challenges (health? finances? relationships?) at both a personal and a much bigger, more general level.

It’s hard to pause long enough to remember what happened in 2023: the good, the bad, the hard, the beautiful, the heartbreaking. But no matter what kind of year you’ve had, we’ve all changed, grown, and learned a thing or two. And it’s worth the effort to intentionally acknowledge those things.

So, here you’ll find a few helpful reflection questions to wrap up 2023 that you and your loved ones can work through, together or individually. You can write them down in a journal or share them out loud over a meal. Or, you can take few minutes alone for prayerful reflection. (If you’re new to the practice, you’ll find a few tips to get you started, below.)

However you choose to do it, take some time during the coming post-Christmas “lull” to look back before we look ahead to the coming year.

Questions To Help Wrap Up Your Year

  1. What is a movie or book you really enjoyed this past year?
  2. What are 2 things you enjoyed doing with your family this year?
  3. What did you accomplish or do this year that you’re proud of?
  4. In what ways did you grow spiritually, emotionally, and physically this year?
  5. Share how God showed up in your life in 2023.
  6. What is something you did this past year to help someone?
  7. What was something challenging you experienced this past year?
  8. Name 3 specific things you were grateful for this year.
  9. What’s one hard lesson you learned this year?
  10. Pick three words to describe 2023.
  11. Who were your most valuable relationships with this past year?
  12. What’s one thing that happened this year that you want to remember for the rest of your life?


Suggestions for a Time of Prayerful Reflection

  1. Find a quiet place where you can minimize interruptions. It may help to mute or put away your phone and light a candle as a reminder that this is a dedicated time for reflection.
  2. Sit in silence for a few minutes. As you breathe out, release any thoughts or feelings of anxiety, stress, or tension. As you breathe in, take in a greater awareness of God’s peace and loving presence.
  3. Invite God to meet with you as you work through the questions and remember different events, situations, struggles, and joys from the past year. Even if you can’t remember his presence when the events happened, ask him to show you or help you imagine his nearness. 
  4. Give God thanks for everything he has walked you through this past year. For the things that cause distress and grief, ask him to help you find comfort and peace. For the things that cause delight and joy, receive those blessings with gratitude.
  5. End the time with some silence. Again, breath out any residual stress, anxiety, and tension, and breathe in God’s peace and loving presence. When you are ready, blow out the candle.

If you enjoyed this exercise, you might also enjoy a more extended time alone with God. Find a quick guide for a day alone with God, here.

As you wrap up the year, may you find some time for reflection on 2023 as you look ahead to 2024!

Looking to make spiritual growth a priority this coming year? Start by downloading our Chase Oaks App - it’s a perfect way to access great resources to help you grow in faith, hope, and love with others. Find more info here.

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