4 Key #HolidayGoals for the Holiday Season

Posted by Katy Bailey, Sloan Creek Next Gen Pastor on Oct 27, 2023

4 Key #HolidayGoals for the Holiday Season

October has been a blur.

A candy-infused, costume-draped blur. I don’t think there has been a single day where there wasn’t something on our family calendar.

We blinked and now it’s nearly November… and we are all bracing ourselves for the holidays, and all the magic and stress and busyness and crowds that come with them.

For you, dear reader, and also for me, I want to take some time and create some intentionality around the holidays because I know myself. I like to get a lot accomplished; I will hurry through things, and I will drag my whole family through all the holiday muck if left to my own devices. I don’t want to wake up on January 1 wondering where the last two months have gone.

Here are some personal goals I am setting for myself to create space for my family to savor each other this Thanksgiving and Christmas. Read through them, edit them, add or delete some, and make this list your own. Just know that now is the time to be intentional, because if we go much further into November, it may be too late.

Goal #1: Don’t be in a hurry.

Yes, I know it feels impossible. My everyday schedule is busy, and the holidays add more to the schedule, but I don’t want to rush through every class party and every family gathering to get to the next thing.

For me, this is mostly about my attitude. I want to take on a posture of someone who is enjoying where they are. I can be late and survive (at least I think I can… I’ve never tried, but this is the year)! So, when I feel the urge to rush, I’m going to take a deep breath, relax and enjoy where I am. I’m going to say “no” to things for no other reason than to make space.

Goal #2: I will have days on my calendar to stay at home as a family.

No agenda, no project, just time to be together and enjoy one another’s company. This one may change for you depending on your season of life. Maybe you need to schedule dinner with a friend or find a quiet place to read a book. My hope with this goal is that we spend time doing something that will create the rhythm of rest in an otherwise-busy season.

Goal #3: I will be intentional with the things I buy.

When I buy gifts for others it will not be out of pressure to impress or dazzle people but instead communicate to them that they are seen, valued, and loved. Maybe I’ll take a friend out to coffee or lunch instead of getting that scarf? Maybe it will be a thoughtful gift with a handwritten note?

I want to think about the person I’m gifting to: are they a quality-time person? Do they thrive on encouragement? Maybe they are sentimental and something that makes them think of a memory is perfect. I tend to panic that I don’t have enough gifts for the people on my list, or that my gifts just aren’t good enough, and I just click “add to cart” out of panic. I want to be able to finish the sentence “so-and-so will like this gift because_____” so when people open gifts from me, they know I was thinking of them.

Goal #4: I will strive to represent Jesus well.

I know this should be my goal year-round, but especially this season I will look for opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus. At home, at work, while shopping and in traffic, I will look for ways to love others the way Jesus has loved me. I want to be patient with people, assume the best of them, and be a value-add to people’s day.

Some small ideas: when people are wearing a name tag, I will make a point to use their name. I will reach out to people I know are going through their first holiday without a loved one. And I will listen to my kids when they want to talk to me about Pokémon. When I fail, I will apologize and try again.

I have high hopes for this season, I don’t want to rush though it. I don’t want to hurry or feel over-scheduled. I know this takes intentionality, but I believe I will be thankful I took the time to think through what I want for myself and my family this season. And I hope you will too. #HolidayGoals

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