5 Ways You Can Serve to Be Here For Good at Chase Oaks

Posted by Kelsey Kruzich, Communications Admin, on Jul 25, 2020

5 Ways You Can Serve to Be Here For Good at Chase Oaks

With the ongoing pandemic, there are more people in need than ever. This is a unique time for a lot of us. We may find ourselves with more free time on our hands, or maybe we have less capacity to give financially right now than before. One thing we can always do is give our time to serve our community. So, gather a few friends or your family and jump in!

Here are five ways to serve to be here for good at Chase Oaks.

  1. Serve at SchoolZone.
    The 2020-2021 school year is approaching fast, and while we’re not sure exactly what learning will look for the year, we do know that students will need school supplies. After supplies are donated, they will need to be sorted and packed in backpacks for each student to pick up. You can help make it happen by signing up to serve.

  2. Join a Campus Team for ReGather.
    We are getting ready to ReGather and will need around 300 team members to make it happen! We have opportunities in Children’s Ministry, Student Ministry, and weekend services that you can serve at. Join a Campus Team and we will help you find a place that uses your gifts and fits your comfort level.

  3. Join a Partner Team.
    Chase Oaks Partner Teams partner with community organizations that are already doing good in the community to help them do even more. There are many partner teams at each campus, and you can choose from any of them! Check out our full list of teams.

  4. Serve at a local food pantry.
    This is a great summer activity that the whole family or a group of friends can get involved in. Food pantries can always use help sorting, packing, and distributing food to those in need, and many have put procedures in place to keep volunteers and recipients safe. Look at our website for a list of local food pantries you can serve at.

  5. Become a neighborhood lead.
    Be here for good right at home by caring for your neighbors. Check-in with them and see what they need, do a random act of kindness, or organize a group to come around a family going through a tough time. Need help getting started? Check out some creative ideas to serve our community, on our website.

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