8 Practical Tips for Learning at Home

Posted by Eva Truong and Melanie Hebert, Contributing Writers, on Apr 17, 2020

8 Practical Tips for Learning at Home

In this season, you may be asked to step in as a "sub" for your child(ren). This is hard work, and it can be overwhelming! It's not easy to be an excellent teacher on top of your full-time career. Be gracious to yourself and lower your expectations. If you work at teaching your children with all your heart as working for the Lord (Colossians 3:23) and leave the results to God, He will take care of the rest.

To help you and your children succeed during this season, we asked some moms who have been homeschooling their children for awhile to share some practical tips for learning at home.

Eight Practical Tips for Learning at Home

  1. Be encouraged that you are the perfect teacher for your child! Regardless of your experience or education, no one besides God knows or loves your child more than you. You are well-qualified to teach your child!

  2. Remember that learning at home on a one-on-one or semi-individual basis takes much less time than learning in a full classroom. Do not expect your child to sit for homeschooling lessons for seven hours a day! Except at the high school level, most children can complete their schoolwork within 1-4 hours at home.

  3. Try to keep to a schedule and resist the temptation to take a day off. It’s a slippery slope that can lead to a backlog that can become overwhelming. Do a little bit each day and keep going. You’ll be surprised at how fast you progress. Slow and steady wins the race!

  4. Work on the most difficult lessons early in the day while everyone (kids and parents!) is fresh. You can also offer a small reward such as a snack or a break for art after completing difficult lessons.

  5. Play classical music during school for a soothing environment. Studies show that it helps children focus and it will create an intentional environment.

  6. You may notice your child(ren) want to eat around the clock when they're at home all day. Try to plan ahead and have an easy snack ready for mid-morning and mid-afternoon.

  7. Get up and move every 2-3 hours. Physical activity burns off excess energy, and it improves mood and cognitive functions like memory and thinking. A walk down the street first thing in the morning, a yoga/kids workout video around lunchtime, and outdoor time after their schoolwork are great additions to your everyday routine.

  8. Relationship above Reading, Writing, 'Rithmetic. We should always value relationships over petty arguments. This can be hard when we are with our kids all day long. Try to be intentional about which battles to fight, and if you have to, "die on the hill of relationship." 1 Peter 4:8 says, "Above all, love one another, because love covers over a multitude of sins."

While learning at home may be a challenge, the Lord will reward our (added) efforts in time. Galatians 6:9 says, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Hang in there, parents!

For online resources and fun family activities to help your family navigate this season, stay tuned to our website and blog.

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