Meet Online Campus Pastor Matt Brandenburg

Posted by Marjorie Chang, Copy Editor, on Nov 06, 2020

Meet Online Campus Pastor Matt Brandenburg

Matt Brandenburg, Chase Oaks Online Campus Pastor, understands firsthand the importance of connection during key points in a person’s life journey. At various crossroads in his own life, his connection with God and with other people have made all the difference.

Early Foundations

Matt grew up in Garland, Texas with parents who were both believers. Some of his most cherished memories are those of his dad reading Bible stories to him and his brother every night at bedtime. When he was 5 years old, Matt became more intrigued about what it would mean to become a Christ follower. His dad walked him through that pivotal decision while sitting in the DFW airport parking lot, and he was baptized a few weeks later.

Matt’s childhood was also marked by a love of music. He cultivated that love by learning to play instruments, beginning with the drums at age 5. He eventually progressed to bass and guitar in high school. After playing in a few high school garage bands, Matt considered pursuing music as a career. But first, he had another key decision to make.


Despite his early foundations of faith, Matt did not really begin to grow spiritually until college. He was in and out of church in high school and became very skeptical about the church. During his first semester away at college, he experienced a near breakdown in his faith.
Matt recognized he was at a significant crossroad. He finally decided that if he was to choose to continue following Jesus, his faith had to be his own—which would mean changing up a lot of things in his life. He transferred to DBU and began pursuing a degree in Music Business.

At the same time, Matt connected with a new band and began to lead worship at churches around Texas and surrounding states. He loved being on the road and thought music would, indeed, be his career path after college.

After graduation, Matt joined a College and Young Singles ministry. The connections he made there, and the community he helped to build, further fueled his faith. Despite his desire to pursue music, he began to feel a nudge toward seminary and vocational ministry instead. Matt spent some hard months wrestling at another key crossroad before finally deciding to pursue ministry. He enrolled at Dallas Theological Seminary and has continued his path toward vocational ministry ever since then. Looking back, he sees that decision as one of the best of his life.

Building a Family

Matt would say another of his best decisions has been to marry Sara: wife, singer, ministry partner, preschool teacher, and Matt’s biggest champion. She shares his love of music and traveling. She also represents a fulfillment of his hope to “marry up.”

Matt and Sara have two kids: Leo, age 5, who is a fan of cars, superheroes, loud music, and anything active; and Ruby, age 2, who loves dancing, Mickey Mouse, dogs, and unicorns. Their family has found rich community at Chase Oaks, and the kids enjoy everything about church and seeing their friends there.

Q & A with Matt

Enjoy learning some more about Matt, in his own words:

Q: What is your aspirational nickname?
A: MattyBtheG. Fun fact: I chose this as my Instagram handle back in the day. A few years later, I noticed increased traffic on my page. Apparently, a child rapper started touring with the same name. I don’t know how popular he got (you could buy his tickets on Groupon) but I had the handle first. Not giving it up!

Q: Who is your favorite superhero?
A: Probably the Wolverine. The ability to heal fast would be awesome. Plus, he’s just cool.

Q: What’s your favorite thing to do on a free afternoon?
A: Go for a jog or bike ride with my family. Hang out anywhere outside with close friends.

Q: What’s a travel destination, activity, or goal on your bucket list?
A: Hawaii. We plan to do all of the islands for our 10-year anniversary.

Q: How would you complete this sentence? “To know me is to know that…”
A: I drink way more coffee than I should.

Q: What instruments do you play?
A: I sing and play guitar, bass and drums. I’d like to say piano—maybe one day. I’ve been told I am a pretty decent cowbell player as well.

Q: What’s on your music playlist right now?
A: I listen to just about everything. Currently on my playlist – Ryan Adams, Jesus Culture, Anberlin, Jimmy Eat World, Jamiroquai. And now the Monster Mash, since my kids figured out how to use Alexa.

Q: What are you most looking forward to as the new pastor of the Chase Oaks Online Campus?
A: The opportunity to reach people with the message of Christ in new ways that we haven’t tried before. It’s really exciting to think about how we can possibly connect with people across the world online, share our faith with them and disciple them. I would love to see a new group of Chase Oakers emerge from our online ministry who are passionate about building up other Christ followers in their own communities.

As the Chase Oaks Online Campus continues to grow, Pastor Matt’s own life experience, gifting, and understanding of the power of connection will play a key role in engaging and transforming others.

For more information about Chase Oaks Online Campus, click here.

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