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Doubting God

Jun 05, 2022
How much uncertainty can we handle when it comes to our core beliefs? What do we do when we find ourselves doubting God?

A Critical Element of Leadership: Drive

Jun 02, 2022
What is drive? Are leaders just born with it, or can they develop it over time? Chase Oaks Executive Pastor Jack Warr...

Connecting With Others Even If Life Is Hard

May 29, 2022
IF: Chase Oaks 2021 welcomed more than 225 women to connect deeply with one another and with God through teaching, wo...

Good Food and Beyond: Exploring Asian/Pacific American Culture

May 24, 2022
In honor of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, several Chase Oaks staff/elders share more about Asian history, cu...

An Update from Anatoliy Prokopchuk of Ukraine

May 22, 2022
Long-time Chase Oaks missionary partner Anatoliy Prokopchuk provides a brief personal update after his escape from Uk...

Self-Leadership and Mental Health

May 19, 2022
Great leaders know that self-leadership goes hand-in-hand with mental health. Chase Oaks Executive Pastor Jack Warren...

Keep Calm and Parent On: Step Back and Watch Them Fly

May 17, 2022
Kids grow up In what seems like the blink of an eye. How do we keep calm and parent them as they mature, and how do w...

Behind the Scenes with Chase Oaks Worship

May 15, 2022
Every week, Chase Oaks Worship helps lead us into a deeper experience of God through music. How do the worship team m...

How To Cope with Anxiety

May 12, 2022
Anxiety affects millions of Americans every day. No matter why some of us face anxiety, there are ways we can cope wi...

What It Means to Walk in the Spirit

May 08, 2022
Who is the Holy Spirit? When we connect with Him and choose to "walk" in the Spirit, our lives are changed.

The Foundation of Leadership

May 05, 2022
Without a solid foundation, even the most gifted leader can flounder. Chase Oaks Executive Pastor Jack Warren shares ...

Eggshells, Fishing Poles, and Forgiveness

May 01, 2022
Struggling to forgive those who have hurt you? Read about one person's powerful journey from deep hurt to real forgiv...

On Assignment: Meet High Schooler Callie L.

Apr 27, 2022
High school student Callie L. proves that you can do good and make a real difference at any age. By completing a very...

Keep Calm and Parent On: Teen Edition

Apr 24, 2022
Why is parenting teens so hard sometimes? Why won't my teen talk to me? We've got a few tips on how to stay calm, par...

So You Want To Be a Leader?

Apr 21, 2022
So you want to be a leader? Chase Oaks Executive Pastor Jack Warren shares a simple, powerful framework we can all us...

Four "Party People" Making a Difference

Apr 19, 2022
Get inspired by four "Party People" who are doing good and making a difference, right where they are.

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