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Three Struggles of the Boomerang Generation

Nov 14, 2019
Moving home after college isn't always the easiest decision. Society calls us the "Boomerang Generation" and here are...

#LoveDoesTheUnexpected Opportunity Fund Helps Local Teacher

Oct 24, 2019
#LoveDoesTheUnexpected Opportunity Fund helps local teacher by providing five new guitars to help him make a differen...

The Importance of Having a Mentor

Sep 20, 2019
Having a mentor is important because we all need people in our lives to encourage us, support us, and pour into us as...

Three Tips for Creating Positive Connections With Adult Children

Sep 17, 2019
When your children become adults, it can be hard to let go. Here are three ways you can create positive connections w...

Creating a Community of Love and Acceptance for Our Neighbors

Sep 12, 2019
What can we do to calm fears and create communities where all people can feel accepted, welcomed, cared for?

10 Resources to Strengthen Your Marriage

Aug 25, 2019
Marriage is hard but not impossible. Whether you are in the honeymoon stage or facing a crisis, here are 10 resources...

7 Questions for Wise Investing

Aug 22, 2019
When it comes to growing leaders, the best investment is one leader investing time and wisdom into another leader.

How to Care for Loved Ones with Depression

Aug 01, 2019
Caring for a loved one with depression can be difficult. But we have practical ways you can support your friends and ...

A Safe Place to Heal After Abortion

Jul 23, 2019
After an abortion, many women struggle with pain and shame, and many feel alone. Chase Oaks Church provides a safe pl...

How Does God Speak to Us

Jul 16, 2019
No matter how long you have been a Christ-follower, many of us often wonder, "How does God speak to us?" There are ma...

Finding Connection and Community in Unexpected Ways

Jul 02, 2019
Finding connection and community can be difficult. But Chase Oaker Ginny Andrews tells how she found connection and c...

Counting the Change: Stories of Transformation at Chase Oaks

Jun 13, 2019
At Chase Oaks Church, we measure our effectiveness as Christ-followers by counting the change through personal and co...

How We Can Be Ready to Share Our Faith

May 23, 2019
Sharing our faith can be a scary thing. We might not even know where to start. But there are steps we can take to be ...

How to Navigate the Single Mom Life

May 10, 2019
Although being a single mom can be overwhelming, there are ways to overcome the many challenges to find joy and meani...

Giving Generously to Fight Social Injustice

May 02, 2019
During #LoveDoesTheUnexpected, we have the opportunity to give generously to The Bail Project to help fight social in...

How We Can Partner with AIDS Services of Dallas

Apr 30, 2019
AIDS Services of Dallas is an organization that provides quality, affordable, service-enriched housing for individual...

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