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Is It Ok To Have Holiday Boundaries with My Family?

Dec 12, 2022
Holiday time with family can be stressful as a young adult. Find some helpful tips on navigating expectations and set...

How To Find a Good Young Adults Ministry

Oct 19, 2022
Looking for a place to make some friends, find community, and grow in your faith as a young adult? Here are a few ide...

Why Aren't My Relationships Deeper?

Aug 30, 2022
No one yearns for shallow friendships. We were created for connection and community. So why aren't our relationships ...

Singleness in the Church

Nov 21, 2019
In the church, we hear a lot about how to build a successful marriage and family. But singleness is a gift that can h...

Why Singleness Is Not a Cliche

Aug 22, 2018
Oftentimes, singleness is viewed as someone's inability to find a partner for life. The truth is being single is a pr...

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