Five Ways To Deepen Your Relationship with God If you Google “ways to deepen your relationship with God,” you will discover that there are 15,100,000 results. That is a large number. This number shows that there are a lot of people who think they know the answer and a lot of people who are searching for it. Of course, all of these are just opinions of people just like you and me. There are so many great guides and articles about how to get closer to God. Personally, I find that doing these five things on a regular basis helps me deepen my relationship with God. Give your heart to God. I know that seems like an obvious step. But I think a lot of people don’t think of this as being one of the things that must be done to experience a deep relationship with God. Until you give your heart and fully surrender to God, you cannot have a deep relationship with Him. Allow Him to take charge. You must put God first. You must allow Him to take charge of your life so that you can live the life He wants for you. By allowing Him to take charge, you will begin to rely on Him rather than trying to do life alone. Come to God and ask Him for guidance when facing small and big decisions in life. When you ask for wisdom and guidance, He will always be there to help you. Spend time in the Word of God. Schedule time to read His Word on a daily basis. If you need to, mark it on your calendar so that it becomes a part of your daily routine. Don’t just read the Bible; study it. Allow yourself to take the time necessary to reflect on the verses you read and to learn from them. In addition to spending time in His Word, share it with others when you have the opportunity. Take the time to memorize Scripture. This is an important step in my opinion. By memorizing Scripture, you will be able to call on His Word during difficult times. You can also use this to share His Word. Pray, pray, pray. Pray all the time. Don’t just pray in times of need, but pray to give thanks. Pray for others. Spend time in conversation with our Father. By talking with our Father on a consistent basis, you will deepen your relationship with Him. Think of it as any relationship you have with people in your life. The more time you spend with them, the deeper your relationship becomes. This is what I do to draw closer to God. You must take the time to figure out what works for you. Try different things. But most importantly, don’t give up. Continue to pursue the deep and meaningful relationship you desire with Him.We're dedicated to helping inspire others to follow Jesus and together change the world for good. For more about Chase Oaks Church, look here.