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Welcome to Chase Oaks

At Chase Oaks, we’re just a bunch of real people with messy lives and different stories who are loved by God. Whatever your background or story, whether you believe or aren’t sure, join us as we come together to change our world for good.

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Our Latest Message

Setting the right pace isn’t easy. How do you decide when it’s time to speed up, slow down, stop, or push through? Don't miss the next talk in Simplify as Eric shares a simple approach to help navigate the complexity of life’s different rhythms.


Our Weekend Services

We are one church with multiple campuses. Join us at one of our locations!

Times & Locations

Reimagine Campaign

In a time of massive transition, we believe God is calling us to bold, new efforts to reach a changing culture with the radical love of Jesus. Join us as we launch Reimagine, a project that will help us activate our spaces, amplify local good, and anchor the faith of the next generation.

More Information

Build Daily Spiritual Habits

Turn your phone into a spiritual fitness tool by downloading the new Chase Oaks Church mobile app!

It’s a perfect way to grow in faith, hope, and love with others as we share prayer requests, read Scripture in community, and access other helpful resources, sermons, and articles together.

Weekly Emails from Jeff

Don't miss a thing while receiving inspiring content, helpful tools, and ways to engage at Chase Oaks straight to your inbox. Subscribe below (Jeff promises not to spam you)!

Top 3 Things to Know

Learn What’s Happening at Chase Oaks

Pine Cove City

July 7-11, 2025 • 9 AM-4 PM
Legacy Campus (281 Legacy Dr., Plano, TX)

Get ready for a jam-packed week of the most epic day camp, full of amazing Bible studies, awesome praise and worship, and plenty of fun and well-trained counselors. Cost: $369 per kid (must have completed K-Grade 5).

May 16/18 Weekend

Baptism is a visible expression of a person’s decision to identify with and follow Jesus Christ. If you are interested in being baptized or just want to learn more, let us know!


Is life on this planet beautiful or broken? Meaningful or meaningless? The answer is… yes. Join us for our new series on the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes, a book that calls us to wrestle with life’s contradictions and learn how to live in the ugly beautiful.