A New Community Group Guide

September 2023

Group Discussion

How will the world come to know Jesus and understand God’s outrageous love for them? Jesus’ answer may surprise us. In a divided and polarized world, Jesus wants us to present a stark contrast to how culture normally works. But to follow Him, we must take an uncomfortable step, where we show uncommon unity and surprising diversity.

  • Think about a rich and fulfilling friendship with a person who was very different from you, whether in his or her ethnicity, socio-economic status, political leaning, or something else. How did this relationship help change the way you think or see the world?
  • If these types of relationships are so beautiful and rich, why is it so rare for people to have diverse friendships?
  • Read John 17:20-23. What is Jesus’ dream for his church? Why do you think he points to unity as the thing that will help an unbelieving world see his power and strength? How is this related to loving as Jesus loved?
  • Read Galatians 3:26-28. Is Paul saying our differences go away when we put our faith in Christ? If not, what is the point he’s making?
  • Someone (we don’t know exactly who) once said, “Differences and disagreements are inevitable. Division is a choice.” Do you agree with that statement? How do you know when it’s okay to disagree and still be in community together, versus when it’s time to divide? Where is the line?

Jeff writes in “Rebranding Christianity”:

Now is the time to stretch ourselves, resist the comfortable pull of sameness, and intentionally form multiethnic and multigenerational communities who love and welcome everybody, always. The world is tired of division and polarization, which means now is the perfect time to take up our calling and live out Jesus’ mission. (“Rebranding Christianity”, p. 86)
  • Read Ephesians 4:3-6. What does it mean to “make every effort to keep unity”? What does it look like for you to resist the comfortable pull of sameness and intentionally pursue diversity?
  • Read James 1:19. Why do you think our culture is so bad at listening to one another? How would you rate your listening ability? What would it look like for you to get quicker at listening?
  • When you look at your current circle of relationships, how diverse is it? Where do you have room to grow?
  • It’s easy today to drift into echo chambers, tribalism, and division. What is one tangible step you want to take to resist the drift?

Going Deeper

Personal Study During the Week


Jeff’s book has released! Start this week by reading the first three chapters – they’re not very long – and maybe find a friend or family member to read along with you. As you do, take time to discuss what you’re reading together.

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Brands Are All Around Us
  • Chapter 2: We Have a Branding Problem!