Baptism Weekend Group Guide

August 2023

  1. Have you been baptized, or did you get baptized at this service? Describe what the experience of baptism means to you and your walk with Jesus.
  2. Have you ever baptized someone? Describe the experience and what it meant to you. How can baptizing someone else cement your own faith? How did watching others get baptized confirm your own faith?
  3. In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus commanded his followers to make disciples, baptize them, and teach them to obey all that he commanded. Why do you think Jesus placed this emphasis on baptism in the passage? Since baptism is not necessary for salvation, what purpose(s) does it serve?
  4. In Acts, baptism followed immediately after belief (e.g., Acts 2:41, 8:12, 8:34-38, 16:14-15). Why do you think the early church emphasized immediate baptism, and how does baptism immediately upon belief emphasize Jeff’s point that baptism is like “jersey day”?
  5. Read Romans 6:4 and Colossians 2:12. Jeff pointed out that when we are baptized, we identify with Jesus in his death, burial, and resurrection. What does that mean? How does undergoing baptism demonstrate our faith in Jesus and his resurrection?
  6. At Chase Oaks, we practice baptism by immersion (dunking). How does immersion illustrate the symbolism of baptism?
  7. The primary reason we get baptized is out of obedience to Jesus, and the reason that baptism follows closely upon belief is that obedience to Jesus should be immediate. Are there other areas of your life where you need to make immediate changes to “obey all that he commanded”?