Be in Community Group Guide

January 2023

Discuss Together

  • Recent research reports that Americans have fewer and fewer close friendships. Why do you think there has been a decline? What have you observed?
  • Read Matthew 26:36-42. Jesus was close with all of the disciples, but he was closest with three. They were his closest friends. Does it surprise you that he would prioritize relationships? Why is it significant that he did?
  • What does it mean to make relationships a priority? What keeps us from doing that?
  • Watch the Wings with Jeff video that features Todd Baughman. In it they talk about the challenge of finding good friends. What challenges have you found in finding and deepening good friendships? What are some barriers you’ve faced?
  • Jesus wasn’t afraid to be vulnerable to his friends. But his type of authenticity is pretty rare today. We all drift towards image management. In your life stage, neighborhood, or workplace, what are some common ways people try to act like they’ve got it all together? Are there places it’s tempting for you to want to manage your image?
  • Jeff shared that authenticity is where we share hurts, reveal true feelings, confess failures, acknowledge weaknesses, express doubts, ask for help and prayer. Which of those things is challenging for you to do? Why?
  • What does it take for you to feel safe enough to be authentic? How can we be more authentic together?
  • What is one way you can be more intentional about a friendship this week?