To start off, take turns sharing one of your highs and one of your lows from the past week. Consider the following statistics from David Brook’s book “How to Know a Person”: The percentage of Americans who say they have no close friends has quadrupled between 1990 and 2020. 54% of Americans say that no one knows them well. 36% of all Americans feel lonely most of the time, jumping to 61% of young adults and 51% of moms with kids at home.What do you think about these statistics? In general, what are the differences between social media/online friends and friends in real life? The first skill Jeff talked about to help develop real life connection was to choose to show up. Read Acts 2:42-47. What stands out to you from this description of the early community of Jesus followers? In what ways did they show up? What was the result of the actions in this passage? What are some past and present examples of ways you have experiences the things described in Acts 2:42-47, either in our church as a whole or in a group? As you reflect on this passage, what are some ways you feel led to show up more? With whom? The second skill Jeff talked about to help develop real life connection was to choose to open up. Read Matthew 26:36-39. Who did Jesus open up to, and how did he model vulnerability for us? What makes it hard to be authentic and vulnerable with people? With God? Share a time when you were authentic and vulnerable. Who were you vulnerable with, and what was the outcome? Was it worth the risk? Take some time to share prayer requests and pray for one another. Going Deeper During this series, we can focus on the spiritual practice of community just by meeting together in a group. To go a little further this week, consider taking this Emotional Health Assessment and sharing your insights at your next group meeting.Verse to meditate on this week: Acts 2:42