
October 2020

Discuss Together

  • Think back across the entire Going There series. Which message or topic has stuck with you the most? Why?

  • What is your first reaction when you hear the word business? What about when you hear the word work?

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being burnt out and 10 being red hot, how fired up do you feel about work right now? Explain.

  • Read Romans 8:20-28. How does this passage help you understand the brokenness and frustration we experience in the world? Is there a particular place where you are feeling especially frustrated today? Share with the group.

  • Jeff said that a better way to translate verse 28 is, “God works together with those who love Him to bring about what is good, as we are called for His purposes.” He said this isn’t about God working FOR us but God working WITH us to accomplish something. Why is this distinction significant?

  • What does it specifically look like for you to partner with God to accomplish His purposes in your place of work or vocation?

  • Is there a way your attitude, effort, or perspective needs to adjust at work? How?


Work is actually made to be good, but we need to partner with God to make it that way. Ask God to infuse you with a fresh sense of purpose as you go back to work this week. And pray that God would work through your group as you all partner with Him in what He’s up to in the world.