Come, Lord Jesus

December 2022

Discuss Together

  • When it comes to emergencies or potential natural disasters, how prepared do you like to be? Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 (1 being, “ehh, I’ll handle it when it comes,” to 10 being “I’m a full-on doomsday-prepper with freeze-dried food stashed in my personal bunker”).
  • Read Matthew 24:36-44. What stands out or is confusing to you about this passage? What is Jesus communicating to us?
  • Why do you think God doesn’t let us know when Jesus is coming back?
  • What does it mean to be ready for when Jesus comes back? What does a “maranatha” (which means, “Come, Lord Jesus”) lifestyle look like?
  • If you knew Jesus was coming back at the end of the week, what would you do differently? Get specific.
  • Do you feel discouraged or distracted? Where and why? How does thinking about Jesus’ return help you find hope and focus?