Confident Management Group Guide

May 2023

Discuss Together

  1. Our calendar and budget say a lot about what we value. What does yours say about you? What is your favorite thing to spend time on or to indulge in?
  2. Read Matthew 6:19-34 together. Why is it hard to balance having both peace in God and perspective about the world we live in?
  3. We see Jesus fully trusting God in every area of his life because he fully knows God. How can you grow in your knowledge of God in order to grow your trust in God?
  4. Radical generosity means to live a generosity-driven life rather than a consumption-driven or a fear-driven life. What areas in your life do you need to release to God, in order to be more generosity-driven?
  5. Jeff said, “We hold in fear that which God wants to invest for his purpose.” Where does money fall on your “worry” list? Is it at the top? If not, what’s at the top?
  6. Allowing money or greed to rule your life is like being in a car with a bad driver: you doubt whether you’ll end up where you want to go. What is your next step to loosening your grip and allowing God to be the master of your life