Confident Prevention Group Guide

May 2023

  1. Remember when you were a kid and got a few quarters or a dollar (maybe from the Tooth Fairy, from doing choirs, or for getting good grades)? What was your favorite thing to buy or save up for?
  2. The Bible tells us to enjoy the fruit of our labor. It promises that if we are wise with our money, what we do spend will be spent with the joy and comfort of knowing we are living on a wise plan. However, it’s hard to be intentional with giving, saving, and living. In your mind, is it worth the effort?
  3. Jeff said, “Christianity is an unapologetically generosity-driven way of life.” In what way can you grow in living a generosity-driven life?
  4. People tend to live more in faith or in fear when it comes to money. Where do you fall on the spectrum?
  5. Do you lean more toward spontaneous generosity or systematic/planned generosity?
  6. Evaluate your financial life and the percentages you are giving, saving, and spending. Do you think you are in a healthy place? What is one way you can adjust where you are now to be one step closer to where you want to be?

Next Steps:

Take time this week to sit down by yourself (or with your spouse, if married) and prayerfully work through a plan. Start with the “10/10/80” guideline and then adjust the numbers, asking God for guidance. Look for ways to adjust your spending below your income, so that you can also give and save.

Then, add 1% to your generosity bucket for 6 months and see how God responds.