Dealing With Hurt Group Guide

April 2023

Discuss Together

  • What are some petty ways you see people getting offended today or petty things people argue about? If it’s petty, why do you think it still creates conflict?
  • Do you know someone who is great at diffusing tension when conflict is potentially brewing? Who is it, and what is it that they do that so few of us actually do in the moment?
  • Read Colossians 3:12, 4:6, 1 Peter 5:5, Romans 12:18, and Ephesians 4:15. What are some principles you see that help us know how to handle conflict well?
  • In a conflict, we can’t control what the other person will say and do. What can we control?
  • Is the goal in a conflict to get to a place of complete agreement? If not, what is the goal?
  • Conflict is often the result of one or multiple people dealing with hurt and pain. What have you learned about interacting with hurt people? About navigating your own hurt as you interact with others?
  • Colossians 4:6 talks about our conversation being full of grace and seasoned with salt. What does that mean? How full of grace and seasoned with salt do your words tend to be?
  • What is one step you’re taking to grow in how you handle conflict? In what way can you work on having more grace and salt in your words?