Choose the questions that best suit your group (no need to use all of them).
- Pick one of these two ice-breaker questions for everyone to answer:
- What’s the funniest AI-altered thing you’ve seen?
- Were you ever in a situation where you didn’t know the rules or correct order of things, and did something against the rules or out of order? How did it go?
- Deeper question: Have you ever seen someone blown off course and eventually shipwrecked by bad thinking/theology?
- Have you gone through Established, and if so, how did it impact your life?
- Read Colossians 2:2-3. What is Paul’s main goal? How would you rewrite it in one sentence?
- Read Colossians 2:4-8. Compare and contrast this passage with Ephesians 3:14-19. How does each passage help you understand the other? Where are they similar and where do they shed slightly different light? How does Jude 1:20-21 add to your understanding?
- Jeff said when we are evaluating something, the idea is to “make sure we are grounded and rooted enough in Jesus and in his truth that we can spot a departure.” Bank tellers do this as they learn to recognize fake money: they don’t study fake money. Instead they repeatedly handle real money. Eventually, they can detect fake money right away simply because it feels different from the real thing. What would be the equivalent for us in our Christian lives?
- Jeff talked about Paul’s commitment to establishing new believers in their faith, even putting his own life at risk to do so. What risks, stretch decisions or commitments have you made to help fellow Christ followers be established in their faith? Is God calling you to make one now?
- Being rooted is our responsibility.
- Together, create a list of practical ways we can make sure we are grounded and rooted in Jesus and in his truth.
- Which one is jumping out at you that you can commit to for 2025? This month? This week?
- How can this group help, encourage, and spur each other on to be rooted in Christ?
- If this group hasn’t gone through Established, can you plan on it this spring? Or later this year?
- Review the list you created to help you make sure you are grounded and rooted. Have each person choose one item, and then pray for one another to take action on that item this week.
But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. – Jude 1:20-21
- Consider calling/texting a group member this week to encourage them in their action step that they shared.
- Consider memorizing a Bible verse this week with another member from your group.
- Would you consider leading or co-leading an Established group this season? If so, please contact your Group Leader or Groups Pastor, or email info@chaseoaks.org.