Fear Doesn't Have the Final Say Group Guide

July 2024

  • What is something “funny” you are afraid of that will likely never, ever happen?
  • Ashlyn mentioned that fear can both protect and paralyze us. Can you share a time when fear helped you make a wise decision, or a time when fear held you back?
  • Reflecting on Peter’s experience in Matthew 14:22-33, how do you usually respond when you find yourself in a “storm”? Do you tend to focus on Jesus or the storm around you, and why?
  • Ashlyn shared a personal story of deep loss. Have you experienced a significant loss or fear coming true? How did it impact your faith and relationship with the God?
  • When you face a fearful situation, do you naturally tend to turn to God for comfort and guidance, or do you try to manage it on your own? How can you grow in sharpening your focus on God in those moments?
  • The idea that "fear never has the final say" is powerful. What are some fears in your life that you need to remind yourself do not have the final say?
  • What is the difference between what your fear tells you and what God tells you?
  • Ashlyn talked about playing out the "what ifs" and then focusing on who God would be in those situations. How might this practice change the way you view your current fears?
  • Sometimes our fears do come true. What’s important to remember when this is our reality?
  • Jesus faced immense fear in the Garden of Gethsemane yet surrendered to God’s will. How do you balance acknowledging your fears with trusting in God’s plan?
  • In what ways can you anchor yourself in the truth of who God is, especially when faced with fears and uncertainties?