NOTE: This is our last group discussion guide for the Spring semester. Group studies will resume at the start of the Fall semester. Also, this weekend we heard live messages at each campus. The following discussion is generally related to the topic of Finding Purpose. Feel free to bring in points or passages that the speaker at your campus highlighted.
Discuss Together
- What is one or two take-aways you had from the message this weekend?
- Outside of church, what has been a mission and vision that deeply connected with you and compelled you to join in? Was it an organization or placed you worked or served at? Was it from a particular leader?
- Off the top of your head, how would you describe the mission and vision as Christ-followers?
Read the following passages together: Matthew 5:13-16, 16:13-18, 28:19-20; John 13:34-35; and Ephesians 2:8-10. What are some ways these passages describe or define our mission as Christ-followers? Do any of the words or phrases particularly resonate with you? Why?
- One of our DNA statements at Chase Oaks is We Glow in the Dark: We move into hopelessness, need, and injustice with the redeeming power of Jesus Christ. We realize God has called us here to be a light. What does it look like to be a light in the dark?
- There are three traps Christ-followers can easily fall into as we live in a dark world. The first is to withdraw and isolate. The second is to attack—to see others as the enemy. The third is to blend in and simply live like everyone else. Which of the following traps do you find yourself facing the most?
- Where specifically have you been placed to glow in the dark? Who do you feel called to impact with the transforming love of Jesus?
Next Steps
We have a big mission as a church: to connect the millions and millions of unchurched people in our communities to the transforming love of Jesus. This big of a mission means everyone is needed, not just a select few.
Find a team you can serve on to join the movement by going to