From Fear to Faith Group Guide

March 2023

Discuss Together

  • Jeff observed that anxiety seems to be at an all-time high. Does that match up with your observations? If so, why do you think that’s the case?
  • Does fear lead to better decision-making, or worse? Do you have any examples to support your answer?
  • Read Genesis 12:10-20. What is causing Abraham to fear or have anxiety? If you were him, how do you think you would have reacted? What happens because of Abraham’s actions?
  • Abraham eventually does take a faith step back to the land of promise. He goes back to a place where he had clarity—a time when he 100% knew God was with him and would provide (Genesis 13:3-4). Looking back, can you think of a time where you had a moment of clarity when you knew God was in control, good, and trustworthy? Share it with the group.
  • What are your top worries right now? How can you redirect these worries to focusing on God?
  • We don’t control outcomes; that’s God’s job. But we can decide to do the right thing in the moment and then trust him with the rest. Can you think of a time where you decided to do the right thing, even though you didn’t know how it would turn out or if it would cost you? Share with the group.
  • Is there an area of life right now where it is hard to trust God with the outcome?