God's Dreams Are Better Than Our Dreams

March 2022

Discuss Together

  • How have your dreams and ambitions changed over the past few years? What has caused the change? Has your faith played a role?
  • Earlier in this series, Jeff mentioned Ephesians 3:20-21. Read it together. These verses talk about how God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. How big of a dreamer are you? What obstacles keep you from dreaming big?
  • Read Ephesians 2:10. How much clarity do you have about what God has prepared for you to do?
  • It can be difficult to know the difference between a personal desire and dream we have, and what God’s will is for us. What have you learned about trying to discern God’s will, voice, and direction in your life?
  • How much do other people play into your decision-making process? Do you have “go-to” people who help you discern where God might be leading?
  • Read Matthew 7:24-27. What does it look like to build a life around God’s Word?
  • Is there a big dream you feel God is nudging you to pursue? What is it? Is there anything holding you back from pursuing that dream?

Next Steps

If you’d like to read and discuss more about this topic, grab a friend or two and go through Bob Goff’s Dream Big together. We’ve used this study in past group seasons – Bob’s fun and approachable style will give you tips and tools to turn your dreams into reality.