Guardians of the Galaxy Group Guide

June 2023

  • Guardians of the Galaxy is about a group of unexpected heroes banding together for a common goal. Who is your favorite unexpected hero, and why?
  • Have you (or someone you know) ever felt unqualified for a situation, job, or conversation that still turned out well in the end? What did you learn from the experience?
  • Read 2 Corinthians 3:5-6. This passage says that we are not competent in ourselves, but our competence comes from God. What do you think about the role God has played in your accomplishments, especially the ones you’ve worked hard for? Do you ever struggle to discern what part of your success belongs to you, and what belongs to the Lord?
  • Read Matthew 16:24-26. Jesus often turned a phrase or commonly held idea on its head to help us understand a principle. What do you think he meant by the phrase “whoever loses his life for my sake will find it”?
  • All of us as believers are called to a common mission, but it’s easy to get distracted. What are some circumstances that can make us weary, frustrated, or distracted from that mission? What are some practical ways to keep this from happening and to safeguard our purpose?
  • Jeff asked the following questions:
    Are you on the team, playing a role?
    Are you focused, joining God in what he is doing?
    Is there some next step to take?

    How would you respond to these questions?