How the Wise Get Wiser

June 2022

Discuss Together

  • What do you consider yourself to be an expert on? What’s an area where you’re in need of someone else’s expertise (or a good YouTube video)?
  • What’s the difference between wisdom and knowledge? How would you define wisdom?
  • Read 1 Kings 3:5-13. What led Solomon to ask God for wisdom? If you were in his shoes, is that what you would have asked for? Why or why not?
  • Read Proverbs 1:1-7. What’s a proverb? What’s its purpose? Is it the same as a promise? Why or why not?
  • Wise people know they need more wisdom, which is different than being a “know-it-all.” But the thing about “know-it-all” people is that they don’t realize how they’re coming across to others. What have you learned about staying humble and being careful not to come across as someone who knows everything?
  • Who is the wisest person you know? Why is he or she so wise? How did they develop wisdom?
  • Do you have wise people in your life you go to when you’re making a big decision? Share about a time you leaned on someone to help you walk in wisdom.
  • Is there an area in which you want to gain wisdom or put more wisdom into practice this summer? What would a next step look like? 

Next Steps

We all need wise people in our lives. A great way to do that is to find friends at Chase Oaks. This summer, we have great connection opportunities for men and women. Check out our website to find a guys’ hangout or a women’s book club.