How To Be Unoffendable Group Guide

April 2023

Discussion Questions

  • Jeff said it seems like, overall, people are more easily and (and more often) offended in our culture today. Do you agree with that? If so, why do you think that’s the case?
  • He also said, “Reactions speak louder than words.” How have you seen that to be true? Why are reactions so telling?
  • Read Proverbs 12:16 and 19:11. How do you know when it’s prudent to shrug off an insult or overlook an offense? Is there a time when it’s wise to not shrug it off? What have you learned?
  • Jeff shared a three-stage filter to help us think through whether an offense should be shrugged off or not. Look at the following stages. Would you add or change anything? What do you find helpful or convicting?
        Stage 1: Am I believing the best?
        Stage 2: Am I being self-seeking?
        Stage 3: Can I just let this go?
  • Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. What does it take to believe the best in someone? What makes this hard to do? Is there a relationship in your life where it’s challenging to believe the best about someone’s motivation or intentions?
  • If you were to honestly rate yourself on how easily offended you are (1 being not easily offended at all, 10 being quick-tempered), what would your number be? What do you think others in your life would say?
  • Where do you have room to grow? What would a next step look like?