How to Forgive Group Guide

April 2023

Discuss Together

  • There is a lot of stress and tension in our culture today. How high would you rate your stress level or the amount of relational tension you’ve faced this past week?
  • Ryan talked about how it’s easy to be “pre-offended,” where we enter into a situation and we’re already mad before someone has said or done anything. Have you ever found yourself being pre-offended? When and how?
  • Read Matthew 18:21-22. What does it mean to forgive? What does it not mean
  • What is the significance of the amount of times Jesus said to forgive? Why do you think forgiveness is such a big deal to God?
  • Ryan said, “We should be generous with forgiveness and discerning with reconciliation.” Do you agree? What is the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation? How do you know when to pursue reconciliation?
  • Is there a tricky relational situation where you’re trying to discern how to forgive, or whether reconciliation is possible (or wise)? Share with the group.
  • Read Romans 12:18. When it comes to relationships, what’s within your control and what isn’t? For the part that depends on you, how can you work toward peace with others? Share a step you’re trying to take in the way you relate to others.
  • Where do you need prayer for God’s wisdom, hope, and empowerment in your relationships? Share with one another, and take time to pray.