How to Make Marriage Last Group Guide

March 2023

Discuss Together

  • Who in your life has been married the longest? How would you describe their relationship?
  • Eric talked about the “perfect person myth,” which is the idea that if we meet the right person, everything will be all right. Or that if we get with the best person, the rest will be easy. Where do you see this line of thinking show up in our culture? Why is it problematic, even dangerous?
  • What have you learned about Abraham and Sarah’s relationship during this series? What imperfections and challenges did they face? What do you think helped them stay married for 112 years?
  • Read Hebrews 11:8. How did Abraham show faith? How do you think this shaped his and Sarah’s marriage journey?
  • John Mark Comer said, “The point of marriage isn’t to find our missing half. It’s to help each other become all that God intended. Our future, real selves. In marriage, two people partner to that end. They see the best in each other—the person God created them to be—and they push and pull each other toward that goal.” Why can marriage be both powerfully good and difficult at the same time? How can marriage help someone grow?
  • Eric mentioned four qualities that lend themselves to long-lasting marriages: purpose, partnership, authenticity, and safety. Would you add any to the list? If you are married, how are you doing in those four areas?
  • Read Genesis 24:12-14. What can we learn from Abraham’s servant’s search for a spouse for Isaac? What was the servant looking for? What does it look like to be wise in choosing a spouse today?
  • What do couples who have uncommonly great relationships do that is different from others? Is there something you need to change to fight against the current that most couples fall into today?