I Am Who I Am

September 2022

Discuss Together

  • Is there a story behind your name and if so, what is it? Do you feel blessed with your name, stuck with it, or somewhere in between?
  • God’s names reveal both aspects of His character and Who He is at the core. Before we get into how God describes Himself, what do you think most people in our culture would say about who or what God is at the core?
  • The name God gives Himself is Yahweh, often translated as “the LORD” in the Old Testament. Why is it significant that God has a name? What’s the difference between Him being a Person versus being an impersonal force?
  • Read Exodus 34:5-7. How does God describe Himself as He is proclaiming His name? Do you find any of these characteristics particularly meaningful, surprising, or troubling?
  • Read Ephesians 3:14-21. How well do you think you know and connect with God’s heart and His love for you? Has there been a time in your life where you felt more deeply connected with Him?
  • How does what we believe about the heart of God impact how we go about each day? How have you seen this in your life?

Next Steps

Turn Ephesians 3:14-21 into a prayer. Personalize it and pray through it this week as you ask God to help you grasp the richness and fullness of His love.