I Want to Be Healed

May 2022

Discuss Together

  • If something breaks, are you more likely to try and fix it yourself or just replace it? How good are you at repairing things?
  • The topic of healing can bring about a wide range of images, emotions, and questions. How have you seen faith and healing depicted in our culture? What do you find confusing, weird, or intriguing about this topic?
  • Read John 5:1-9. Why do you think Jesus asked the paralytic, “Do you want to get well?”
  • For us, the paralytic placing his hope in a “magic angel pool” seems silly… but that’s just because we didn’t live in that culture. What false hopes do you think people stake their lives on, today? What things do people think will make them better that in reality won’t?
  • Why do you think Jesus command the man to first take a step? Have you experienced God’s call to first take a step of faith in order to get well or discover His empowerment?
  • Read James 5:14-16. What does James teach us about what to do when we need God’s healing? How does this require a step of faith?
  • How do you process this prayer and promise when a physical healing doesn’t occur?
  • Jeff said, “Many times, God chooses not to heal but to give grace to help the person endure the suffering. In such times, God is wanting to do something in our lives that can only happen in difficulty.” What does it mean that God wants to do something in our lives that can only happen in difficulty? Have you experienced this?
  • Is there a place in your life in which you want to experience God’s healing? Is it emotional, physical, or relational? Share with the group… and then pray for one another.

Next Steps

If you would like to share a prayer request with a pastor, find mental health resources, or get information on counseling and care groups, go to chaseoaks.org/care.