Is Doubting Ok?

April 2022

Discuss Together

  • We can lose confidence and experience doubt in more areas than just our faith. Talk about a time when you doubted your abilities, decision-making, or knowledge in school, work, sports, a relationship, or some other area. How did you overcome those doubts?
  • Jeff shared, “Big faith allows for big doubt.” How does that statement challenge your understanding of the relationship between faith and doubt? In what ways do you find it freeing? 
  • Read Matthew 3:1-17. Who was John the Baptist? Make some observations together. What we can learn about him through this passage?
  • Now read Matthew 11:1-11 together. Does it surprise you that John, after witnessing a bunch of incredible events, could come to a place of serious doubt? Can you resonate with him?
  • John’s circumstances and expectations affected his faith in the passage we just read. Have you experienced challenging circumstances or unmet expectations that affected your walk with Jesus? How?
  • How does Jesus respond to John’s doubt? How does that help you think about how God responds to us when we doubt?
  • What have you learned about processing doubt in a healthy way? What keeps you from getting stuck?
  • What is a doubt or question you are wrestling with in your faith right now? How can this group support you as you work through that question?

Next Steps

Following Jesus is not a doubt-free journey, and He knows that. The trick is to not get stuck – to not allow our doubts to derail us. Sometimes this means praying the words of a first-century Christ-follower who proclaimed, “I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24). Or it can mean digging deeper into our questions and engaging with thoughtful people of faith who have wrestled with similar topics. One good resource to consider: The Reason for Faith, a New York Time Bestseller by Timothy Keller.