It Is Finished

March 2021

Discuss Together

  • Are you someone who, once a task is started, has to complete it no matter what? Or do you find yourself starting a lot of things that may not get finished? What makes seeing something through to completion difficult?
  • Read Matthew 20:18-28. What did Jesus feel called to finish in His life? What is a ransom and what did Jesus mean that His life would be ransom for many?
  • What is the most bitter thing you’ve ever had to drink? How does that help you think about what Jesus did on the cross?
  • Eric talked about how it’s easy to live with an 80% mentality, where Jesus finished most of it, but that God is still asking us to do our part, the last 20%. He said some indicators of this in our relationship with God can be guilt, stress, self-righteousness, shame, weariness, or anger. Where do you find the 80% mentality popping up in your life and your relationship with God?
  • Read Isaiah 53:5-6. Where do you need God’s peace in your life today? How can we have it?
  • What would it look like for you to live with a 100% mentality this week? How would that change your outlook at work, home, school, or in our community?

Next Steps

Invite someone to join you for Easter at Chase Oaks Church. The resurrection of Jesus that we celebrate on Easter is a historical event, but it’s much more than that too. It’s a reminder of God’s power, hope, and love for a broken and hurting world. You never know how God will use a simple invitation from you to a friend or family member and change the trajectory of their life forever.