Jesus + Politics Group Guide

September 2024

  • Each group guide has a “Put It into Practice” section to consider and do in between meetings. Last week, we talked about church as family and shared seven suggestions for how to grow as a church family: Celebration, Bearing Burdens, Confession of Sin, Hospitality, Eating Together or Communion, Prayer and Worship, and Generosity. What did you try? If you didn’t try anything last week, is there anything that would keep you from trying one of these this week?
  • Before we dive into this week’s topic of “Jesus and Politics,” let’s agree to care for and respect one another both during and after our discussion. For example, if someone shares something you disagree with, let’s choose to
    • listen with care and respond graciously, and
    • commit to still caring for and respecting one another after this meeting
  • It is commonly said that we should avoid the topic of politics at work, the holiday dinner table, and even small groups. Does anyone have a story of a time when talking about politics went poorly or in an unexpected direction? What are the risks of going there?
  • Without getting into which candidate, party, or policies you support, how are you personally feeling about this political season and election?
  • To kick off our new series Record Scratch, Jeff shared Jesus’ approach on how we should navigate this (and any) political season. Read Matthew 22:15-22. What does Jesus mean when he says, “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God”?
  • Read Romans 13:1-9 and 1 Timothy 2:1-4. Based on these passages, Jeff shared the following list of things that we should give to Caesar, i.e. our government: our taxes, submission, respect, prayers, and engagement for the common good. Which of these things are easier for you to give to our government, which are harder, and why?
  • Read Philippians 3:20, Galatians 3:26-27, and Titus 3:2. Based on these passages, Jeff shared the following list of things to not give to Caesar but to God: our identity, allegiance, hope, peace, focus, unity, character, and tone. How can this list help us navigate the current political season together?
  • Take some time to share prayer requests and pray for one another. Pray also for our leaders and all those in authority.

Verse to meditate on and memorize this week

But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ. (Philippians 3:20)

Put It into Practice (Optional)

  • With this series on the words of Jesus in the Bible, we can focus on the spiritual practice of Scripture to grow in our view and understanding of the Bible. Here are some teachings and activities from Practicing the Way.
  • Listen to this teaching on “Can We Trust the Bible?
  • Reflect on and journal the following questions:
    • What role did the Bible play in your earliest church experiences, and how do you think that shaped you?
    • What does your practice of scripture reading look like right now? How did you get to that point?
    • What difficulties do you face when it comes to the Bible (fear, confusion, boredom, skepticism, etc.)?
    • What do you think Jesus is inviting you into through this practice of Scripture?
  • Consider having a conversation with someone in your group during the week or at your next group meeting about these questions.