Leveling Up Group Guide

January 2023

Discuss Together

  • As you look ahead to the new year, what excites you?
  • Are you someone who has a “word for the year” or focus area for 2023? If so, what is it? If not, what does success look like for you this year?
  • Read Matthew 6:25-27. As you enter into the new year, what worries you? Share with the group, knowing that we all have worries!
  • Read 1 Thessalonians 5:17. What have you learned about turning your worries into prayers? What has worked? What hasn’t?
  • Ryan shared this quote from the book, Atomic Habits: “Your current habits are perfectly designed to deliver your current results.” What do you think about that quote? What results are your current habits producing?
  • What is a habit or two you’d like to incorporate this year? What is a habit that could help you take a next step in your relationship with God?