Lies We Believe Group Guide

August 2023

  1. For fun: Does anyone know a slight-of-hand trick they want to show?
  2. Jeff mentioned that our culture and the internet often present us with lies that sound true. How do you discern between true information and misinformation in today's information-saturated world? Can you share an example of a widely-believed falsehood that you've encountered recently?
  3. Read Jeremiah 17:9-10 together. These verses state that our hearts can be deceitful. How does this idea resonate with your own experiences? Can you think of a time when your own thinking led you astray?
  4. The analogy of strongholds, both in Roman architecture and in our thought patterns, was used to describe how lies can become deeply ingrained in our thinking. Can you identify a personal "stronghold" or untrue thought pattern that has affected your life? How has it impacted your actions and attitudes?
  5. Read 2 Corinthians 10:4-5. Paul talks about the divine power to demolish strongholds and take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. How do you interpret these verses in your own life? What practical steps can you take to apply this idea to overcome the lies you believe?
  6. Jeff shared one personal example of a lie he has struggled with: "Life is best when everybody is happy with me." Can you relate? Can you share any other lies that you've battled with personally? How might these lies have influenced your decisions and actions?