Listen to God Group Guide

January 2023

Discuss Together

  • Would you describe yourself as an independent-minded person? What are the strengths of that mindset? What are the weaknesses?
  • Jeff shared how Americans aren’t natural submitters. Most of us don’t like being told what to do. Why do you think this is such a struggle in our culture?
  • Read Matthew 7:24-27 and John 8:31-32. Has there ever been a time when going your own way, “you doing you,” or ignoring instruction led to a bad place? Share about it.
  • Read Luke 9:23. In what way is following Jesus a daily decision? Have you thought about it this way before?
  • Watch together the Wings with Jeff video that features Conway Edwards. In this video, they talk about how to regularly get into God’s Word. What have you learned about interacting on a regular basis with the Bible? What’s worked? What hasn’t?
  • Take a moment to open the Chase Oaks App. Read the “Surrender” challenge together. Is there an area that comes to mind that you’d like to focus on submitting to God’s better way? What is it and why? How can you get started?
  • Is there a place you struggle to know what God’s will and wisdom look like? Share about it with the group.
  • In the App, look at the WISDOM process. How does it help you think about discovering and applying God’s wisdom in your life? Try using the process to think through a specific issue (like finances, for example).