Mission Drift Group Guide

September 2023

Group Discussion

  • Jesus said we should be known as the most loving people on the planet. Unfortunately, that’s not how Christ-followers are perceived today, which is why we’re seeing such a big exodus away from Christianity. The world’s most important brand has lost the essence of what it was supposed to known for: the radical love of Jesus. There has been mission drift.
  • What’s a “mission” you have in which you’ve found it difficult to maintain focus or energy? (E.g., getting physically fit, being a patient spouse or parent, pursuing healthy eating, reaching a career goal, etc.) What makes it easy to get off track?
  • Read Matthew 23:13. How had the Pharisees “shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces”? How had they missed the heart of God?
  • Throughout church history, well-meaning people have done things they believed were good and noble at the time. Now, though, as we look back with the clarity of hindsight, we can see how far they had drifted from the way of Jesus. Why do you think it’s so easy for this to happen? How do we ensure that doesn’t happen to us?
  • Read the following passages. Then discuss as a group what type of “mission drift” each passage is warning about, and the mindset it takes to fight the current as we follow Jesus.
  • Jeff talked about currents that are tugging at Christ-followers in America today. Which of these do you see affecting others in your life? Which of these do you struggle with or wrestle with the most in your life?
    • Being Right vs. Being Loving
    • Politicizing Christianity vs. Representing King Jesus
    • Self-Seeking vs. Self-Sacrificing
    • Animated by Fear vs. Animated by Love
  • As we face contentious issues and challenging situations in our world today, what does it look like to have radical love as our primary motive for how we react? What does it mean, practically, to use love as the main filter in your decision-making?
  • Is there a way you feel like you may have drifted from the mission? Where do you need to adjust in order to better represent the brand of Jesus and his radical love?

Going Deeper

Personal Study During the Week


If you haven’t already, pre-order a copy of Jeff’s upcoming book called “Rebranding Christianity.” Releasing on September 19, the book will help you take these conversations deeper and share these concepts with friends and family.


For this week, listen to episodes 4 and 5 of “The Rebranding Christianity Podcast.” You can find the episodes on rebrandingchristianity.org, or wherever you stream podcasts.

  •  Episode 4: The Jesus Brand
  •  Episode 5: We Have a Brand Problem

Reflect in the App

The Chase Oaks App features a reading plan to help you reflect on Scripture and these concepts during the week. Start the reading plan today!