Mother's Day at Chase Oaks Group Guide

May 2024

  • What comes to mind when you hear the phrase “Desperate times call for desperate measures”?
  • Read Mark 5:25-26. Take some time to think through how this woman must have felt after struggling for 12 years. What are some words you would use to describe her and her situation?
  • Think of a time when you, personally, felt truly desperate (maybe you feel that way now). How did it affect your daily life, your health, and even your relationship with God?
  • Read Mark 5:27-28. The text says that what she HEARD about Jesus was so impactful that it sparked HOPE…which ignited her FAITH! When was the last time HEARING about Jesus increased your faith?
  • Read Mark 5:29-34. Why do you think Jesus asked, “Who touched me?” Who benefitted from this interaction? Whose faith was stretched or increased?
  • When was the last time you shared something about Jesus (or what he has done in your life) that increased someone else’s faith? Is there something you could share now that could encourage others in the group?
  • Our speaker (April Farmer) shared, “Desperation, faith and truth poured out to Jesus bring healing and freedom.” She reminded us that God wants nothing more for us than to BE FREE! What does living free mean to you?
  • As you close, take some time to pray for each other - especially for anyone that might be experiencing “desperate times” and needs to be encouraged in the truth and freedom of Jesus.