My Stupid Mouth

July 2022

Discuss Together

  • Eric shared about getting stung by a wasp. Do you have a story of getting stung or bitten in the wild? Share with the group.
  • Read Proverbs 12:18, 16:24, and 18:21. How have you experienced the power of words, both for good and for bad?
  • What is the difference between head knowledge and a skill? What does it take to develop a skill?
  • How do you think you are doing with the skill of speaking and using your words wisely? Where do you need to refine your speaking?
  • Where or with whom are you most in danger of saying a reckless word? What makes this person or situation so challenging?
  • Eric mentioned three skills to refine our speaking: the skill of pausing, the skill of personalization, and the skill of purposefully using particular phrases. In which of these three areas do you think you are strongest? Which is an area you have room to grow? 

Next Steps

Speaking life-giving words is a skill to be developed. Here are two books that can help you refine your words for big moments and with key people:

“Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High” by Grenny, Patterson, McMillan, Switzler, and Gregory  

“I Said This, You Heard That: How Your Wiring Colors Your Communication” by Kathleen Edelman