Our Best Days Are Ahead

August 2022

Discuss Together

  • Are you naturally a more optimistic or pessimistic (or as some might say, realistic) person? Does your outlook change depending on the area of life (work, family, culture as a whole, etc.)?
  • Read John 14:12-21. Why do you think Jesus’ first disciples would have found this difficult to believe? Do you find it hard to believe?
  • What does Jesus mean that we will do greater things after He goes to be with the Father? What are the “greater things” He’s doing in and through us in our world?
  • Jeff shared our purpose statement as a church: We inspire people to follow Jesus and together change our world for good. Which of those words resonate with you the most?
  • How do we evaluate whether we’re being faithful to Jesus’ mission? What do you look for?
  • We live in a time of massive change and upheaval. How do you go about deciding what to hold onto, and what to adapt and change?
  • As you think about the next five years, what gives you hope? Where do you see momentum (in your life, in church, in the next generation, etc.) that gives you confidence that the best days are ahead?
  • As you think about the next five months, where do you need to jump more fully into what God is up to in the world? What is a next step or two you want to make?

Next Steps

Join us at Vision Saturday! At this special gathering, we’ll share some updates to our DNA, ministry model, and specific initiatives happening this fall. To register, go to our website, chaseoaks.org/vision.