Our Labels Hold Us Back Group Guide

August 2023

  • Jeff talks about how he was labeled as "goofy" during his teenage years and how that impacted him. Can you relate to being labeled in a certain way that doesn't fully represent who you are? How did that affect your behavior and choices?
  • The sermon mentions several examples of individuals in the Bible whose names were changed by God, reflecting a change in their identity and purpose. Can you share an instance where you felt a change in your identity, either through personal growth or a shift in your perspective?
  • What are some of the new labels that the New Testament assigns to believers, according to the sermon? How do these labels contrast with any negative labels you might have carried?
  • The sermon emphasizes the importance of seeing ourselves as God sees us, rather than relying on how others or we ourselves have labeled us. How can you shift your perspective to focus on your identity in Christ rather than negative labels?
  • Have you ever had a mentor or someone in your life who saw potential in you that you didn't see in yourself? How did their belief in you impact your journey of personal growth and self-discovery?
  • In what practical ways can you remind yourself and others in your community of the new labels that God assigns to believers? How can you support one another in growing into these new identities?