Peace in an Anxious World

May 2022

Discuss Together

  • Do you think there has been a rise in anxiety over the last decade? If so, why do you think that is?
  • Where or in what area of your life do you tend to feel the most anxious? Why?
  • Read 1 Peter 5:6-7. Why do you think Peter mentions humility right before he talks about anxiety? How are the two linked?
  • What does it look like practically to “cast all your anxiety on him”? What do you do when you are feeling anxious?
  • Read Luke 10:38-42. How can you identify with the “Martha mindset”? What burdens and worries tend to fill your day?
  • What did Jesus mean when He said, “Mary has chosen what is better”? What does it look like for you and me to choose what is better today?
  • Is there a burden you’ve been carrying that only God is designed to carry? How can you give that burden to Him today? Share with the group.

Next Steps

Mental health goes beyond May (Mental Health Awareness Month). Check out all of our resources to continue working on yourself and to help each of us get better together. You can find videos, articles, and more at