Practice Solitude Group Guide

February 2023

Discuss Together

  • Nobody wants to be overstretched, but many of us are. What is it about our culture that makes it hard to slow down and live more balanced lives? What have you experienced?
  • Is there an area of life where you feel particularly worn out or overstretched? Where is it, and why?
  • Henri Nouwen said, “Without solitude it is virtually impossible to live a spiritual life… we do not take the spiritual life seriously if we do not set aside time to be with God and listen to him.” Do you agree with Henri? Why or why not?
  • Read Luke 5:15-16 and Mark 1:35-37. What can we learn from Jesus and how he found alone time with God? What stood out to you from these verses?
  • Watch the Wings with Jeff video with Jan Sampeck. In the video, they get practical about what it looks like to connect with God on our own. What have you learned about spending alone time with God? What works for your personality? What doesn’t? Have you ever tried to spend a half-day or full day alone with him?
  • Jeff shared his approach to the discipline of solitude: moments each day, more moments one day a week, and even more moments once a quarter. As you think about this discipline in your life, what do you want to focus on or try?
  • This week’s GOAT challenge is to find time during this series to spend a half-day or full day alone with God. Have you made plans to do that, and if so, where will you go and what do you think you’ll do? Share some ideas together.