Pray and Ask Group Guide

May 2024

Discussion Questions

  • Reflecting on the entire prayer in Matthew 6:9-13, how does Jesus' model prayer change your perspective on how you pray?
  • Jeff emphasizes a "we-life" rather than a "me-life" in prayer. How can we shift our prayers from being self-centered to community-centered?
  • Jeff mentioned confession while explaining the prayer segment on forgiveness. How well do we practice this? How could this change our lives if we did it more?
  • How easy is it to go about our days without realizing we are holding a grudge? Jesus encourages us to “forgive our debtors” regularly. What does this look like for you? Do you feel like there’s something you’ve struggled with letting go?
  • What types of temptation do we experience regularly and how might we flee from those, rather than fight them?

Questions – Personal Prayer

  • Last week, we talked about how orienting ourselves to God’s will can change our prayers. Did anyone try doing that this week? What was that like?
  • We’ve discussed several key elements of prayer during this series. Which one has stood out to you the most? Which one do you want to work on? How do you plan to do that?
  • How can the concept of the "horizontal" aspects of the Lord's Prayer (provision, confession and forgiveness, protection) help structure your prayer life?
  • How do you typically respond to temptation, and how can prayer help you seek God's guidance and protection? How can you learn to integrate this naturally as you encounter things throughout the day?
  • What steps can we take as a group to ensure that prayer becomes a foundational habit in our spiritual lives?


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