Prayer Is About Trust Group Guide

May 2024

Discussion Questions

  • Jesus' disciples asked him to teach them to pray. Why do you think they made this request instead of asking about his other miraculous abilities?
  • How did the idea of prayer being a "perspective reset" resonate with you?
  • Let’s reflect on the idea of prayer as simply talking to God as your Father. How does this impact how you approach prayer?
  • How can recognizing God's holiness ("Hallowed be Your Name") influence your daily life and decisions? How do you think reminding yourself of God’s control and goodness throughout the day could have an impact on your thoughts and behaviors?
  • How does praying for God’s kingdom to come help to align you with his will? How can you align your daily actions with the purpose of advancing God's kingdom?
  • Reflect on a time when you had to trust God's will over your own. What was the outcome?

Questions: Personal Prayer

  • Last week, we discussed things that potentially hold us back in our prayer life. Did it help you to be more aware of these things over the last week? Did that help you grow at all?
  • When you think of prayer, do you think of it as a touchpoint you have once a day with God? Or do you see it as an ongoing conversation throughout the day?
  • How can the concept of the "vertical" aspects of the Lord's Prayer (posture, praise, purpose, submission) help structure your prayer life?
  • Can you describe a time when praying altered your thoughts, feelings, or actions throughout the day? How did prayer align you with God?


We’d love your feedback. Please take a moment to complete the following survey and let us know what you think about the group guide questions!

Group Guide Survey