Reconstructing Faith

March 2022

Discuss Together

  • When did you first realize that you were an “adult?” What made you realize it?
  • There are many people who read, revere, and base their lives around the Bible, and yet disagree about what it says on a whole host of issues. Why do you think that’s the case?
  • How would you define the difference between a core Christian belief and a secondary issue?
  • Have someone Google the Nicene Creed in your group and read through it together. Were creeds part of your religious experience or denomination growing up? What do you find helpful about creeds? What is confusing?
  • Do you think we spend too much time focusing on secondary issues? What have you learned about extending grace and modeling humility to those who hold different positions?
  • Read 1 Corinthians 13:1-7. Greg said, “Paul is basically saying we could be really impressive and magnetic and draw people to us…or we could be really influential and gain political power…or we could be really smart and be able to explain the depths of mystery and prophecy in the Bible…but if we are not first and foremost known for our love, then we are wasting our time.” Do you agree or disagree? Have you seen this proven true in your life?
  • If love is so important, why do you think so many unchurched people believe that Christians lack love?
  • Based on where you feel like you are in your life, do you think you need to spend more time focusing on your orthodoxy (right beliefs) or on your orthopraxy (right practices)? Why?

Next Steps 

If you’ve never done Established, it is a group experience designed to help you gain confidence in what you believe as you connect with others. We are launching new Established groups this spring. Or your current group could decide to do it (or do it again) to work through the core beliefs of Christianity together.